About Us

For over a decade, we at CIVIX have thrived on identifying new route optimisation challenges and innovating new methods to solve them. This drive is the cornerstone of FleetRoute™: the desire to build route optimisation software that can handle as many operating constraints as possible to produce efficient and usable routes in the real-world.

Part of our success in this approach is our extensive hands-on involvement with our clients' routing processes and those of our partners in various parts of the world. As we are involved with many of our partners' most demanding routing projects, this gives us an overview of best-practices and the state-of-the-art in route operations across numerous industries in numerous countries and cultures. This also gives us a clear idea of the requirements of producing usuable routes, knowledge that we put directly into FleetRoute™ to make its results the best and most implementable possible.

Besides the drive to help our clients utilise their resources in the most efficient and ecological way possible, we also have the goal to make our company achieve the same. To put this goal into practice CIVIX has located its offices in the model sustainable district of Vauban in the "green city" of Freiburg Germany that the Acadamy of Urbanism voted as European City of the Year for 2010. Being in this location enables our employees to also have low-energy and low-carbon footprint -work and -living environments which in turn inspires them to help our clients reduce their carbon footprints even more.

CIVIX L.L.C. # +49-761-285-3872 # info@fleetroute.com